Comfort zone; A wasteland.

Comfort zone, according to Wikipedia, is a psychological state in which things feel familiar to a person and they are at ease and in control of their environment. Brene Brown, A public speaker and Author described it as a state where our uncertainty, scarcity, and vulnerability are minimized. Our comfort zone is where we believe we have adequate protection, love, food and shelter. But no matter how good our comfort zone feels, it’s a potential wasteland. Human mind is fashioned in such a way that it tends to hold on to wherever or whatever gives it comfort. It’s a kind of contention that keep us from moving forward, from exploring more. we seems to be contented with the status quo and there is no force pushing us from trying something new. Go-getters does not stay long in their comfort zone, they move out constantly to lubricate their God given potentials. Staying too much in a comfort zone often let us forget how unique we are, how we can cope with difficulties and how f...