The Staying Power

The Staying Power

staying power; never give up

To dream is a common and a very easy task. While dreaming, we enter the realm of illusion, forgetting to brace ourselves with the pros and cons of reaching that particular goal. the staying power is the ability of a goal chaser to stick to it in the face of mind wrenching challenges.the 'sticking ability' is the most challenging task that could be faced before reaching a goal. the seemingly lowlifes in our society are sometimes just carcass with several abortions of goals, our grave yards too is a fertile land nourished by aborted dreams.Though the implemented ideas and chased dreams has put the human race through a leap in advancement imagine great ideas that were not brought to life, great inventions that were not fine tuned, imagine goals that live their landmark only in the mind of the dreamer. Imagine how our planet should have advanced!

If you are not already pursuing your goal, you are still under the illusion of the end result, yes to sit and dream about it gives you joy, but always put it in your mind that you are no different from the common man. Anybody can dream, this is obvious from the popular cliche that

If wishes were horse, beggars would ride
. there is no limitation to who can dream. we all have the ability to see the picture we want in our mind eye.from the neighborhood nuisance to the philosopher, from the illiterate to the learned, form the roadside mechanic to the chief judge. we are all the same in that respect; we all want a perfect life, posh cars, elegant house have grand job, be influential in the society and all the good things of life. but the ability to get over your inertia and stay on the it is what distinguish you from the family of mere wishers.

We all had that fantastic idea that only rise, die and get buried in our mind.people who lack the staying power have loads of unfulfilled dreams in their name. the mind of day dreamers is an overpopulated graveyard of aborted dreams.

The staying power is only possessed by people with strong discipline. their mind is fashioned to face any challenge with an unflinching stand. their usual mantra is its either I get there or i die trying. Imagine the first person that successfully climbed mount Everest, at one point or another,he is sure to have had the urge to give up, after all no one has ever climbed it to the top before, but the staying power kept him on till he reached the acme. Goals that count can never be reached without possessing the staying power after overcoming your inertia and with the adequate motivation you will realise that the obstacles in your path are there to test your worthiness. the degree of your difficulties determines the your sense of exhilaration when you finally reach your aim. therefore, when things turn really hard(trust me it will) when all factors seems to be working against you, it is your staying power that ensure your success.

It is worthy to note that to every fulfilling dream, there are always stumbling blocks. if you give up because you are facing challenges, it means you are not fit enough. so never give up and refuel your staying power with positive thoughts always.

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