Lest We Forget Our Uniqueness

Hello friend. Raise your head and look around you. What do you see? Same picture everywhere? We are in a generation inflicted with the ‘crowd mentality syndrome’. Our ideas, values, cultural believes expresses the existence of an influence of outside forces in our clime. Our individual distinction is being beclouded more and more. There would not have been a rainbow in our sky if the colours had not accepted what they are, with no preference to how they are accepted.


let take a walk through the garden. Do not overlook the dry leaves, the dry barks and the ‘fleshy’ ones, the spiny roots, the colourful petals, the singing birds, and the running hare. Isn’t it such a beautiful world out there! It’s no miracle that nature is so awesome, it is because there is no force influencing the right order. Imagine the Dog bleating, the cow meowing, or the mahogany bearing attractive petals. How absurd that is going to be. That’s how absurd the human world is today.We follow the crowd because we perceive that is the only way to gain social acceptance.

Robert Louis Stevenson quips in ‘an inland voyage’ that

to know what you prefer instead of humbly saying amen to what the world tell you you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive”
giving control to the society to dictates our thought process is a very good way to lose our identity. A large number of the youth population easily succumb to the trending way of the world to fashion their life, thus they change as things change. These lots possess no personal value or moral belief. They just flow with the trend. This is more of the reason why there seem to be a distinct few who are making waves in the world front. The rest are lost in living the crowd life.

Always note that if you walk in the footprint of others, you will never make your own. Be a realistic manifestation of your heartfelt desires. Live your idea of the world. Never do it because others are doing it, do it because it lends credence to your personality. It is a very great and worthy accomplishment to be yourself in a world that is making incessant effort to make you something else.

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