How To Overcome Your Inertia in 5 Steps

Inertia can be figuratively said to be a state of unwillingness to take action in a person. According to the principles of physics, inertia is the property of a body that resists any change to its uniform motion.It is that force that discourages or holds you back from taking the first step toward your dream. From the time of early philosophers, inertia has been found to be a great form of dream killer than any other factor. This force is of a very big magnitude in people that want embark on a worthy task with no adequate motivation. Many of the world population are frustrated because they don’t begin, because the postponed it, because the force of inertia is greater than their will. Here are ways you can follow to have power over your inertia. I belief if followed promptly, you will overcome your inertia with ease.

  1. Set A Definite Dream: the very first step toward achieving any dream is to set it in clear terms. Have a crystal clear picture of your dream in your mind. What you have to gain or lose in pursuing your goal. If possible, make a list of the benefits that will come out of your desired goal.
  2. A friend once compete in a 200m relay race with a champion, he was an amateur, not well trained and unexposed to the technicalities of the game, yet despite all these odds, he won. When I asked him how he did it, he told me “it’s simple! During the week preceding the competition, my desire to win beclouded my doubts.” This guy is a great example of someone who has a set a definite dream for himself. He has managed to overcome the doubt of not winning by painting a clear picture of his end goal. He could have let his inertia take control, imagine an amateur competing with a veteran of the game. But he set a goal (a definite one) and went for it.
  3. Kill Your Fear: Studies have shown that fear is a very great inhibitor; it is one big factor that works against motivation. Fear is an ugly faced demon that discourages even the successful people from setting out on a new task. Man has the natural tendency of getting afraid in the face of uncertainties. The fear of the unknown. Fear is not known for persistency, it flies out of us with the speed of light when we face it. Before embarking on a dream, the fear of failing in that pursuit has been a great source of fuel for our inertia. This is compounded with the fact that our society does not look good upon failures. More human potentials have been wasted by the fear of failing. However, what people does not know about fear is that it is just an illusion, it is stimulated by what we think of the situation. In fact, every courageous personality on the face of the earth are just those people that face their fears. The courage not to give up on your dream can only be achieved through a brutal confrontation of your fears. Once you set your goal, never give a voice to your fears, instead, face it unflinchingly.
  4. Be Determined: determination is the main factor that breeds success. No one has ever reach a goal without a substantial amount of determination. You must possess a good level of determination before embarking on your dream. Where faith fails, determination will never betray you.
  5. Vince Lombardi, one of the greatest coaches and leaders in the history of sports once said “the price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand”. Belief in yourself, see the positive sides of the picture. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into effective, unstoppable determination.
  6. Pursue Your passion: let your desire be your goal. Our desires tends to have a charging effect on us, never pursue any dream that doesn’t inspire you personally. If it is what you love, you will have an extra edge over the initial inertia. Have you ever wonder why people like Messi continue to break records? Why people like Dr. Wole Soyinka seem to be at the acme of their game? Why people like D.O Fagunwa, Chinua Achebe, Ken Saro Wiwa, Lola Shoneyin were prolific writers and great poets? Its because they were/are simply doing what they like most. Their level of inertia is so minute or non-existent, thus their drive is unstoppable. Go for you passion, and you will not have to worry about your inertia.
  7. Belief You Can:If you really want to start moving on that dream in your mind, then you need a great deal of self belief. You must belief you are worthy of the goal, if you think you cant, you will never be able to go for it. Human mind has an amazing way of believing the story we input to it. If we input the negative or positive ones, it will surely reflect in our life.
overcome your inertia

J.K Rowlings, the author of the famous Harry Potter series was a very poor woman, she was soo poor she couldn’t afford a computer or even a photocopying machine. But she believed she had wrote a great novel, so she practically wrote several versions for publishers until the eight year old CEO daughter of bloomsburry(a London small publishing firm) fell in love with it. That what self belief can do for you.

In the words of Dorothea Brande, “All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia is this : act as if it were imposible to fail. That is the talisman, the formula, the command of right about face which turns us from failure to success. The key is to get started. Then, you have overcome the greatest test of your worthiness.

Read our other articles on Motivation

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