Fear creates a cage of its own for the victim; it even tries to associate other factors to the reason why fear is felt. Factors which are sometimes not related are picked simply for the excuse of having a reason to be afraid. I usually see fear as a kind of a spineless monster. A monster,  of course, should have a threatening  appearance, but the monster that is fear,  is easily defeated if one know how to.  Psychologically,  I would say fear is an illusion. That is,  the presentation of what is not real as threat by the mind of the individual stimulated by factors such as low self esteem,  lack of confidence,  lack of self belief and so forth.
How then does one go about eliminating this fear factors and opening the cage to opportunities?  Because for great things to be done, brave steps have to be taken and for these steps to be taken, the fear has to be eliminated.  

1. Composure
For most people, the fear of failure is what keeps them  From exploring the wide array of opportunities to move on with life for a long time, sometimes it is the reason why they are backsliding when trying new things. The fear of mockery and a lot of what ifs keeps limiting them and preventing them from spreading their wings. They discard the thought of the new technique or the brilliant idea brewing in their mind for the fear of failing!
One key step to conquering the fear of failure  is to compose yourself. The body might resist at first but as time goes on, it cooperates with what the mind dictates and gathers itself. Why do some people appear cool on the outside during interviews or public presentation meanwhile, they are shriveling up inside?  The Key Word? Composure!
2. Prepare your mind
Benjamin Franklin said: Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out” . You've probably heard a lot of success stories about people. Make research or ask about how they got there. You will find out that almost everyone has a tale of the time they thought of giving up. Many failed at their few first attempts but they didn't give up. Failure informs fear,  the fear of failure is more gripping than fear of any other thing. We live in such a society that judge based on how successful you are. They look down on the failing lot with disdain and accord much respect to the successful ones.  Therefore,  it is understandable to fear failure. But you can never win without first losing. You can never succeed without first failing, if you remember this all the time you fail. You must realise that success is nothing  to fear irrespective of what the society expects from you.   So why are you afraid to fail? Learn to expect an obstacle and work to be able to overcome it.
For this, All you have to do is shed all these pessimism and the negative attitudes toward taking a new front. . You just have to prepare your mind to keep on going after challenges.
3. Work
Do not just work generally but work on that thing you are afraid of. That aspect you loathe in the step you are taking, that calculation you are having problem with. Whatever it may be, work on it and keep getting at it till you get it. Work on the main problem affecting your growth and try to overcome it. Public speaking is a good example here,  no one is born a great speaker,  even the master orator,  Martin Luther King ( Jr) Had to face the fear of facing the crowd.  Everyone that has had to face the crowd feels the fear of saying the wrong thing along the way.  It's no different with Presidents or Senators or Pastors,  but they have to face the fear anyway.  By that,  they become better speakers.  I said earlier that fear is a Spineless monster, once you turn back and face it,  it dashes out of the window.
4. Ask for Help
At times, you may think asking for help or advice means showcasing your weakness to the world. But what if you show your weakness to someone who can help and you get help? Then it no longer becomes a weak point. It becomes a feature- a once- upon a time story of the time you faced adversities. It becomes a part of your success story.
5. The Try-out and Continuation
After you must have gotten ideas on how to overcome your problems, the next step is to apply and keep trying. Remain consistent. Don't relent.


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