Getting The Best Out of Your Tough Time

Getting the best out of your tough time

It is not unusual to face difficulties in life, as the saying goes “life is not a bed of roses”, actually I see life as a kind of a Pear Cactus and living is an adventure, while the ultimate purpose is to get the Cactus fruit, then we must not be deter by the thorns.Atimes, we will skin our knees, other times its our heart. Such is life. We will face difficulties while attempting to get the honey comb, we will get stung over and over again but because we know the value of its taste, we never give up. While we may feel victimized when we face such obstacles, there is more to it than we ever care to explore. We often become shrinkened In face of our trials, never trying to learn the simple lesson it brought along. There is this quote a friend is fond of “every disappointment is a blessing in disguise”. Every moment of trial comes with its positive side. Dear friend follow me through this piece to make the best of your trying period.


Naturally, your trying period is a good anti-friendship (a newly added word to the dictionary of relationships, 2017 edition) session there ever was. This is the moment when you are going to call on Joseph and Mistura and only get a voice mail response, do not be surprised, they are room next door drinking wine, and the rule is “don’t drink and drive!”. Most of them will even proceed to eat your living flesh, they will backbite and make dear friend, I would say you are not going far if you are not going through this phase,and the good news is----you are. its not a case of normalcy, it’s a natural order. Have you ever notice the fertile Termitarium on a nuptial flight? They only fly where there is light, and the best way to drive them away is to off the switch. It is the same with fake friends, try getting you in some deep trouble; they will fly away really fast. However, while you sit behind closed door, head down, suckling like a day old, the real ones will break the door and get you back up. Do you miss this positivity coming out of your trial? I tell you, it’s the best method to sieve out the unwanted grains in your life. No thanks to that difficulty you so much dreaded.

Standing Alone

Most of the time, we often forget our individuality, we forget we are not part of a whole, we are a big picture unto ourselves. The most destructive thing that can ever happen to an individual is to lose his idiosyncrasy. Looking unto a group of friends to always pull us out of shit can be quite destructive, because we will always remain deep inside that shit until they arrive, we will never realize our inert capability to overcome. We will always see ourselves through others. And there is no more dangerous way to harm ourselves than this. But. that moment when the friends never materials to save our ass, we might feel dejected , heartbroken and disappointed, that is going to be the time we reach for the subdued energy to overcome our predicament. Then, we realize we are even stronger than we let on. Resting on others kill your God given potentials to overcome any difficulties, we are have this built-in manual on how to cross the river with hungry crocodiles, but the bridge won’t let us check this out, once the storm remove this bridge, we will surely reach for our manual, and realize we don’t even need the bridge to cross the river. Isn’t that a blessing? Come to think of it, we all need to be shaken up once in a while don’t we?


We end up been creative, after realizing nothing is as it seems, we end up finding any possible means out of the hot soup. For those who are not awashed with self-pity, they end up finding a creative way to deal with their own problem and in doing so; they also inspire the world around them. Those who have faced real life problem and survive can testify to it that there is nothing that trigger then our creative side than a really big trouble. You will surely want to survive, so you are going to use your brain.

Dear reader, If you are still following till this stage, then know that this will one day give you hope when the storm tries to swipe you off your feet. Listen, life without trials is bland, really bland. No improvement, no nothing. How can we be self-improved when we always have it easy? Know that the bigger your trouble, the bigger your gain. The good news is that, your moment of trouble is only preparing you for the good days. How to live it and who to live it with. Always remember that


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