Jamb Enables Portal For Exam Slip Re-printing.

reprint your jamb slip

this is a relieving news to all jambites who have not been able to print their examination slip. The Initiative team learnt that jamb, due to some technical issues could not be able to serve every candidates the reprinting link in their profile e-mail. However, jamb as an alternative has enabled the reprinting portal for candidates to print their slip

Every candidates are advised to print their examination slip as soon as possible as the exam still starts on Saturday, 13th of May, 2017. Your exam date and venue can only be known through this medium and you are also required to bring the slip yo the venue of your examination. Failure to do so will forfeit your right to sit for the examination.

click here to print your examination slip.

Use our comment section incase of any difficulties or for further information. A team of Intiatives is always on ground to help

Note that the traffic to the portal is populated now, thus it might be hard to access the link, do ensure you try frequently so that you will be able to print as soon as possible.

We wish you all the best in your exams


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