He Should Also Be A Virgin

The burning flame of societal condemnation that the girl-child is subjected to is gradually obscuring our normal moral conscience to the extent that we no longer mind the consequence on our constitution as a society. The society serves as a vicious watchdog protecting her. But this dog is also befriending the hawk that's meant to devour his charge. She is utterly lambasted and treat with disdain if she should be careless enough to get caught between the beak of the hawk. The campaign for clean maidens has always been hypocritical, despite the tenacity and commitment dedicated to this campaign, the fly never cease to suck the nectar, the rate of 'flowerless girls is in uprising, its is actually getting alarming in the last last decade. A great percentage of girls are getting 'laid' everyday, and many more will be explored in the next 24hours(this is not a prophesy, it is the reality of our society)it has never and will never yield result if we do not review our 'wailing' method. From the Chief Priest to the Chief Imam, Reverend fathers to Athens, school teachers to the principal, the parents to the community elders, every article written on virginity(electronic/hard copy), every fliers distributed in our places of worship. The message has always implied one meaning; the girl should remain virgin till her nuptial night. Why should she only carry the cross?, what previledge does her male counterpart posses that absolve him of the same treatment? My question remains to be answered!

Is it ever possible to curb malaria without driving the mosquitoes away? I wonder how it will ever be possible to have virgin girls in our society if we do not imbibe the need to be virgins in our boys too. An average boy will rather receive adulation among his peers for every girl he disvirgin, in fact, the ranking system among the peers is usually based on how many virgin girls they are capable of getting. I happen to know a father in my neighbourhood who usually woo girls for his 17 year old son, he even went ahead to prepare 'special' visits for the girl. how can there be innocent girls in such society?. It is high time we started campaigning for virgin boys because our cause can never be justified if we do not treat the two party with no bias. Our moral constitution must pave way and make provisions for both gender to remain chaste until they are ready.

quotes about virginity

The average boy does not feel the need to stay off until he get married because there is no physical evidence that could be used to measure his level of innocence. however, the lesson behind being able to shut the zip is highly beneficial. A person that has learnt how to control his raging libido will sure posses discipline and a fine moral sense. Such a person will eventually become a responsible individual in the society. If we actually see all these innate benefits, then, we can see the need for all unmarried youth(not only the female )to maintain their virginity. The sense of pride and the feelings of been in accordance with your creator always put virgins is a complete positive mind always. They never feel used or damaged.

To the girls:this is the most sacred gift you could ever receive from your maker, why on earth would you lose it for a one minute pleasure with one guy that will probably not marry you?, to keep him loving you? To keep him from looking at other 'lasses'? don't you ever know what self pride is?. If he is your future husband, why cant he wait till he mary you?,he does not have such discipline? Then how is he ever going to be a good husband and father?. He is only a thief that come to steal your most precious possession. Your identity, Your Pride!.

To the boys: Dear boys, what is the joy in using her and leaving her?. You never think how hurt and broken she might be for the rest of her life. Always know that for every girl you deflower, someone somewhere is also helping you with you future wife. The takes a great deal of discipline to shut the zip, but the measure of the man in you is determined by how you handle your moment of temptation. let not your sexual desire dictate for you, lest you fall into the pit of hell(those who involve in premarital sex often have complications in their married life).


Dear parents, some of you are actually exceptional, but your job is only half-done on this issue. If we must have a community of chaste maidens, there must be responsible boys in that community too. The lesson should not end with the girls, teach the boys too the importance of been a virgin. Then and only then shall you be deemed successful in your assignment.

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