Good Attitude; The Panacae For A Successful Life.

Attitude is the disposition or state of mind of a certain individual in a particular circumstance. It is the way an individual reacts in response to his environment. It is the way you carry yourself; your posture in your everyday dealings. Attitude is a very big and important factor that determines your perpetual growth and how well off you will be in life. It is the footprint through which the prospects of what's to come is determined. Your close relations know who you really are, not through your words, but your actions which was definitely influenced by your attitude. Your attitude is your true picture, it is the very first thing people notice about you. see yourself as the product and attitude is your brand ambasaddor . can you ever spend money on you? The importance of attitude to attain a life full of contentment and rapid growth can never be undermined.

Attitude is a general attribute that is possessed by every single individual alive. Though attitude dinstiguish personalities from one another, there are mainly two types of attitudes; the good and bad attitudes. Possessing any of these attitudes is not a function of class or social status of the individual, the attitude you possess depends on your state of mind and personal convictions. Rich people do have bad attitudes and poor people do have the right attitude and vice versa. But the only set of people that automatically have the positive attitude are the real achievers (Note: success must not be mistaken for how much money you have.Successful people are the one through whose individual struggle the world is made a better place). They are the strong-willed individuals who believes they could get anything out of life if they try. They believe nobody owns them nothing, instead they are the one who owns the world something. People with the right attitude often radiate a kind of light that they tend to charm the people they come close in contact with their happiness. Their smiles is contagious and you only see them frown on rare cases. Joyce Meyer once said

A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.
with a positive attitude, will always be above the negativity in your life.

The bad attitude (which has attached itself to our society with all hooks and suckers)is a retarding force that can take you through a free fall right from the acme of your career to the last ground. Arrogance, laziness, envy, enmity are attributes of people having the wrong attitude. They are always the victims of their circumstances. All factors seems to be against them always. They always sit down and lament about the situation while spreading hatred and enmity about. Imagine that kind of life! An horrible, disgusting and potential destroying one. Life without contentment, no way of promoting goodness in their personal life and the society. They are the kind that no matter how much they have, it will never be enough and they will never make any concerted effort to improve themselves. Their mind is a breeding ground for envy and distrust. Anyway to betray their way to the top is their way. They never believe they can do it without harming others. Bad attitude is a turn off for success.

You could have all the skills of this world. Be a Messi at football or a Newton at the sciences or an Usain Bolt at sprinting or a Leonardo in the arts, you will never really make a success with the wrong attitude. knowledge and skills can only show you the way, it is your attitude that clear all the thorns and debris on the way. If the way you interact with the people in your life does not portends someone with the right attitude, you will always be overlooked in times when you are in the position to be consulted. The world will spite you and look for some other means. Of course, you are dispensable.

Winston Churchill said

attitude is the little thing that makes a big difference
a positive thinker(attitude) often see opportunity in any circumstance while a negative thinker always see difficulties in every circumstance. Your life might be the exact illustration of what hell should look like, you might be going through an award winning tough time, never allow your circumstance to dictate how you relate to others. Remember no one know what you are going through. Your attitude is the image people see of you, always let it be a good image for you never know how far you can reach for a single moment of liveliness shown or a single act of kindness rendered. By the way, what good does having bad attitude have? You end up hating your life. Remember you are a brand and your attitude is your ambassador.

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