Getting The Best Out of Your Tough Time

Getting the best out of your tough time It is not unusual to face difficulties in life, as the saying goes “life is not a bed of roses”, actually I see life as a kind of a Pear Cactus and living is an adventure, while the ultimate purpose is to get the Cactus fruit, then we must not be deter by the thorns.Atimes, we will skin our knees, other times its our heart. Such is life. We will face difficulties while attempting to get the honey comb, we will get stung over and over again but because we know the value of its taste, we never give up. While we may feel victimized when we face such obstacles, there is more to it than we ever care to explore. We often become shrinkened In face of our trials, never trying to learn the simple lesson it brought along. There is this quote a friend is fond of “every disappointment is a blessing in disguise”. Every moment of trial comes with its positive side. Dear friend follow me through this piece to make the best of your trying period. Fr...